I’m Sydney Taylor, I’m the lead singer of the band Stereo Jane and I’ve been in LA almost 5 years! We signed to a record label in 2015 and moved out here shortly after to start working. We’re currently independent and working on releasing our full project, which I’m really excited about.
It’s funny because when I was a kid I thought I’d be somewhere different than I am now. I figured I would be this huge mega star touring the world and having my songs played on the radio. I’m definitely not there (yet). If childhood me knew the struggles of adulthood and the chances of making it big, she’d be over the moon. I have my first tour in a few months and it’s a huge step for me, and definitely something I am proud of. It was on my bucket list as a kid and it’s really amazing getting to see something come to life.

For me, my obsession with jewelry came from my grandmother. All of her jewelry was so beautiful. She loved dressing up and had some really amazing pieces. She had this beautiful Art Deco style gold and diamond ring that was to die for, that I’ve never seen anywhere eles! That really marked my love for jewelry and I value the importance of one-of-a kind pieces.

Featured Pieces

Custom Diamond Baguette medallion
Photography: @kimberlymolina
Intro to @sydtherockerkid
Piece: Custom Medallion